About the Educators

Hi, I'm Di Riepsamen, director of Wild at Art KIDS!
I’m not only a passionate primary school teacher with more than 8 years of experience in the field of visual arts but also a firm believer in the endless creativity of young minds. Having found my love for teaching arts while living in Bendigo, I’m now back in Melbourne, excited to welcome your children into the Wild at Art KIDS Studio.
Empowering Young Artists: A Journey of Discovery and Expression

Philosophy: Child-Driven Learning
I’ve always been passionate about placing children at the heart of their own learning. This means letting them drive their investigations, answer THEIR questions, and discover things for themselves. I’m all about getting the kids out of their seats, and into ‘doing’ – really thinking for themselves. Because, let’s face it, children are far cleverer and capable than we sometimes think. Wouldn’t you agree?
Visual Arts: The Freedom to Create
What I love about visual arts is that it offers a level of choice and creativity unlike any other subject. There’s no right or wrong in art. Unlike a mathematics problem or spelling, nobody can get art ‘wrong’. It’s about expression, imagination, and breaking the rules! Have you ever noticed how kids find joy in things that don’t have right or wrong answers?
Our Proud Moments
My proudest moments come from the faces of young artists discovering their talents. When a student, or should I say, an artist, tells me, “This has been the best class ever,” my heart swells with joy. Or when they say, “I didn’t know I could draw a panda so well!” these moments become treasures.
We Plant the Seeds, They Grow the Art
In the Wild at Art KIDS Studio, I love planting a seed or two of ideas, techniques, and examples. But what each artist decides to do with that seed is entirely up to them. They are the ones who cultivate and grow their art. And isn’t it exciting to see what they come up with?

Your children are the artists and I look forward to welcoming them to